Community: Six Seasons and a…Podcast?

Community is one of our favorite things in life. From Jeff and Annie to Troy and Abed we love this show. When we heard there was a behind the scenes podcast dedicated to the show we had to check it out.

Six Seasons and a Podcast, hosted by Alex Burdine (whose grandfather was Don DeFore of Ozzie and Harriet and Hazel fame) is a typical interview podcast that highlights the unsung heroes of the show as well as the major stars.

Some of our favorite episodes include Andrew Guest, Andy Bobrow, Megan Ganz, and Charley Koontz.

What we loved about Burdine’s style is his ability to get a guest talking and keep them talking. There wasn’t a moment of him stealing the spotlight from these well deserved behind the scenes stars.

You can listen to it on iTunes, Spotify, and more.